10) Recycling. In California they recycle. I mean really recycle. Everywhere we went, the Zoo, SeaWorld walking around the Marina there were always two cans to throw away trash. Even in our hotel room we had two separate trash cans.
9) How expensive everything can be. Our joke was, "It's like we are living in an airport." Fancy Hotel equals expensive everything. An omelet at the hotel restaurant was $16.50 and my favorite was purchasing a small fun size bag of chips for $3.99. The cheapest place to buy soda was in the gift shop. Who knew? We did find a vending machine on the other side of the Marina (none were found in the hotel) and they charged $2.75 for a soda. True story.
8) You can spend Christmas without snow. We went swimming on Christmas Day and went to SeaWorld and the Zoo. We couldn't believe how packed those places were on Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day. We also loved how at the Shamu Christmas Celebration they sang actual Christmas Hymns during their show.
4) At the Zoo on a guided bus tour we met a 4 day old Giraffe. Found out that its mother was pregnant for 15 months and that she gave birth standing up. Her baby was born equivalent to the size of a high school basketball player. Wow!
3) A Madagascar Live performance can make a child's day magical. We will never forget their faces during the performance, AMAZING!
2) Can't go wrong with field seats at the Poinsettia Bowl Game. Everything was so close it made the atmosphere so much more fun. The halftime fireworks show wasn't half bad either. Elise made it on the Jumbotron and you can almost say that you saw us on ESPN (You might have to squint).
Sounds like a VERY good time, and yes you were spoiled!